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About Us



Read of bylaws here.


The Pink Party started in 1994 as a social for the Shreveport/Bossier area. Pink Party, Inc was formed has grown into a major fund raising event benefiting local non-profit charity organizations. In 2004, Pink Party, Inc and Easter Seals began a partnership that continues to this day. Pink Party, Inc received non-profit status with the IRS in May of 2006. Per our by-laws, Pink Party, Inc may only make donations to other non-profit organizations. 


Pink Party, Inc provides a facility, music,


Pink Party, Inc is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

entertainment, beer, liquor and food for an evening of socializing, dancing and having a good time for a good cause. Event attendees come from all over the country, primarily from the Ark-La-Tex area, but also from as far away as California, Chicago and elsewhere. Local celebrities make it a point to attend our event annually (i.e. radio and television personalities).

The event expenses are paid by sponsorships from both individuals and corporations. Expenses are paid for before the date of the event. This includes any liquor costs that have been agreed upon prior to the event (i.e. a certain number of beer kegs at a certain price). Easter Seals, in exchange for the door proceeds, rents the venue, covers the event under their liability insurance and pays for printing and mailing of invitations, event posters and any other event collateral that may be needed.

The night of the event, a $10 donation is requested at the door. Every dollar from the door is donated to Easter Seals. While Easter Seals is the primary beneficiary of our donations, each year our sponsor revenue surplus is used to make additional donations to the Philadelphia Center  and PACE – local organizations. In 2012, we were able to add to the list of organizations we support.  We added Forum for Equality and the Louisiana Suicide Hotline, making small donations to each.



Easter Seals provides exceptional services to ensure that people living with autism and other disabilities have equal opportunities to live, learn, work, and play. 



The Philadelphia center, established in 1990, is a dedicated to serving persons in Northwest Louisiana with HIV/AIDS and educating the public with prevention service.



Operated by LACG

The Louisiana Association on Compulsive Gambling began taking calls to the Louisiana Problem Gambler’s Helpline January 1, 2000.  Very quickly the Helpline was handling 5,000 calls a month.   In 2006 the Department of Health and Hospitals contracted LACG to establish a Suicide Prevention Helpline for Northwest Louisiana. 



People Acting for Change and Equality

PACE is a bipartisan organization that works to advance equality in Northwest Louisiana so that the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community can lead open, honest, responsible, and safe lives at home and in the workplace. 

25th Annual Pink Party

May 19, 2018 8 PM until Midnight

LA State Exhibit Museum

Pink Party Connect

@2016 by Pnk Party.

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